Saturday, July 17, 2010

Two century rides DOWN!

Century rides are an intregal part of Ironman training. You should get a few in before the big day just so you know what that 112 mile bike is going to feel like. Sure by the time one of these rides is all said and done, you've been out there as long as an average work day, but it feels so good to get these under your belt!

I did my first century on June 20th. The course we picked was supposedly the toughest (hillest) 100 mile ride in the state. My training pal found it in a book of century rides she has. (Yes, they make such a book and people actually buy it!) Since Madison is a very hilly course, I thought this would be a good course to ride for my first one. I felt good through most of it, around mile 80 I wanted to be done, but that phase quickly passed, and I was fine again through the finish.

Here's the map of where we went on that ride... all around the entire metro area!
Last Sunday was my second century ride. Actually, we rode 112 miles! This time we picked a much flatter course, and I have to say this ride went so much better than the first, which is encouraging. There are quite a few reasons I think this one went better. I certainly wasn't as prepared when I did my first one. I didn't have a 2nd water bottle holder yet, I didn't wear enough sunscreen, the cleats on my cycling shoes were too far up (close to my toes). The first ride was SO hilly, and I just plain and simple didn't yet know how far 100 miles on a bike really was, or what it felt like. My farthest ride prior had been about 80 miles. Doing two now has given me a feel for it, and I am actually looking forward to the next one.

Our next 100+ mile ride will be in Madison ON the race course. This trip is coming up in two weeks. I am excited and scared all at the same time. I cannot wait to see what the course has to offer! I know it's brutal, but I am ready for it. I better be... we are down to 56 days and counting!! *GULP*

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