Running UP and UP and UP some more, Rampart Range Road. Here's the view of Pikes Peak during that morning's run.
Day 1 PM...
Bike through Garden of the Gods. The clouds have cleared up!My teammate in front of a beautiful backdrop.
A view of the "garden" while on our ride.
Day 2 AM...
A long ride through Colorado Springs. We did NOT stop here to take a potty break.
Notice the street sign at this spot. I was thinking this same thing right before the sign verified it for us.
Day 2 PM...
A long climb up Cheyenne Mountain. We all made it and some did it twice!
Day 3 AM...
Running UP to Pikes Peak on the Barr Trail.
The view of Pikes Peak while still approx. 10 miles away.
Day 3 PM...
Run around the trail on Rampart Range Reservoir at 9,500 feet! BEAUTIFUL.
It was amazing how high we were. Pikes Peak was nearly eye level up here.
Any hill on the trail was getting tough towards the end of this long run day.
Apparently pain, altitude, and extreme winds are very funny!
Day 4 AM...
Another day of climbing on our bikes, UP Gold Camp Road.
Felt great to make it through another day!
Here's a pretty sweet shot of the whole team.

P2CC 2010!
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