Thursday, September 16, 2010

I am an Ironman!!

I did it! I became an Ironman on Sunday! I finished in 14 hours 3 minutes and 11 seconds.

My time "goal" had been very general, as I didn't want to put pressure on myself during my first Ironman, or have any disappointment come race day. I was hoping for 13, 14, or 15 hours. Nothing like being smack dab in the middle! :)

Race report to follow!


  1. Hi Christina -

    just saw your comment on Betsy's blog

    HUGE accomplishment...way to go.

    You guys did have a great day, I was serving up some of the beverages in Mt Horeb:)

  2. Look at that smile!!!! Huge Congrats.

    I actually saw you during the run at that 2 sided water stop on the dirt path. I yelled at you but I think you were more interested in what the volunteers were offering :)

    You were smart to have a very general goal time. I am glad I hit mine but I definitely felt the pressure to hit it which lead to a lot of anxiety and a few tears. Especially after some people made some comments to me that made me feel like I couldn't/wouldn't or they didn't want me to do well.

    Congrats again chica. You did awesome.
