My last few races were REALLY fantastic days. The courses were challenging, and I had a BLAST racing them. Each of them were great experiences and I had a couple of “ah ha moments”, solidifying for me why I do this. I LOVE it. I LOVE to keep fit, I LOVE to race, I LOVE to challenge my mind and body even when they’re not sure they’re up to the challenge. I LOVE being surrounded by the great people that also love this incredibly amazing, challenging, unpredictable, and always fulfilling sport of triathlon.
My last three races were; 1. Minneman (2nd in age group):
2. Twin Cities Triathlon (2nd in age group. Well... 4th, but the first 2 were overall winners):
One photo I was in that was taken at the Twin Cities Triathlon by professional photographer Paul Phillips of Competitive Image ended up being included in the TC Tri photo gallery on! Here's the picture as it appears on the site. :)

3. 25th Anniversary Brewhouse Triathlon (6th place in age group, yet probably my best race to date of this season. Those Duluth girls are FAST!) Racing at Brewhouse was amazing... Back on home soil! It was a fantastic day surrounded by high school friends and parents and the best part of all, it was in Duluth! It doesn't any better than that!
I won’t bore with full race recaps of the last three races I skipped reporting on, but rather look forward to my one and only Half Ironman of this season which is a mere 3 days away. I may not come home with a new PR, but I’m looking forward to the trip and experience that I will get to enjoy with a dear friend.
Bring on Steelhead!!