Man, you get behind on blogging for a couple of weeks and four races have passed! I am slacking in the blog department this year. I guess getting race packets and being at the right place at the right time has been all I can think about. It's certainly race season with FOUR races in three weekends.
What better way to 'report' on a race then by pictures/videos?? So here goes...
Race 1 - New Bri Tri, June 4th in New Brighton (my backyard tri!) and with all my Lifetime buddies! I had an absolute blast at this race. Mainly due to the fact of having so many of my friends and teammates there racing and cheering, and that it was a beautiful day. My swim was ok, bike was ok, and run was horrible. I felt like I couldn't remember how to 'push it' once I got to the run. No big deal, it was the first outdoor race of the season. One of my friends did this as his very first tri ever and totally ROCKED it! Here he is post-race taking a breather (he's in the middle). I think this is a face of "I'm hooked", don't you??
Race 2 - Liberty Half Ironman Relay (swimmer), June 11th. Lots of P2ers raced this one so I was mainly a cheerleader this day since all I "raced" was the first leg. Our team came in 2nd. The 1st place team was all male and had an insanely fast swimmer and biker. Not like we couldn't have beat them, but none of us are on steroids. :) Here's video of our team that day:
Here's our team post race:
Race 3 - Manitou Triathlon, June 12th. Loved this race! It was really well run thanks to Optum Health Performance. It makes me extra happy that they are running Minneman this year and I am planning to sign up for the 'new' Twin Cities Triathlon, also put on by Optum.
The bike was a little slow going, the legs took about 10 miles to want to work, but the run was actually MUCH better than the week before. I felt like I pushed it much harder and just felt better all around with it. Overall, the results turned out good, even with my much less than stellar swim and bike this day, I was 1st in my age group! The rest of our team dominated this race too. EVERY P2er made the podium! Noelle was there to cheer as well and got some good pictures, here are some of that day:
Next up is Minneman over July 4th weekend. Taking a little break until then to have a party and cheer for my teammates who are racing Ironman Couer D'Alene THIS weekend!!